
Our College provides many opportunities for young people to develop leadership and representation skills and we entrust pupils with responsibilities commensurate with their strengths and abilities. Formal pupil leadership provides important benefits for both the pupil and the school. Prefects have the potential to influence the school environment and the behaviour of their fellow pupils by becoming advocates for positive change in the school community.

It has been proven that when children actively participate in leadership in school life, and their ideas and opinions are listened to and valued, they feel respected and encouraged to make further contributions. School Prefects will work to ensure that their moral and academic life shall always be a model for the student community to emulate.

This Year’s Prefects are:

Back Row (l to r): Luke Kehoe, Callum Hayden, Patrick Kelly, James Gannon.

Front Row (l to r): Mr Conor Ronan, Conor Murphy, Tom Hughes, Mr John Maye.